Tuesday, November 22, 2005

We don't care. We don't have to. We're the phone company

In this day and age of Microsoft haters yelling to the skies about Monopolies (whether they are warranted in thinking that or even using the correct term is a different matter), who would have guessed that one of the largest monopoly breakups ever has essentially been undone.

Back in the eighties, the US decided that AT&T had far too much clout for a single company and issued the massive breakup. Now, somewhat under the radar, although not to anybody following the telecom industry, Ma Bell has essentially returned.

Here is the logo of our new telecom overlords:
This is basically a combination of the AT&T, Cingular, and SBC logos all rolled into one. The recognizable AT&T globe along with the AT&T name have been kept due to their continued strong worldwide presence. All of the work SBC had done to promote and switch to the Cingular name seems to have been for naught.

Here is a good link detailing this final step in the reanimation of a monster.

Here is a link showing some of the amazing and ridiculous steps that have occurred in the time line between the old AT&T and this new one.

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