Sunday, March 27, 2005

NPH wouldn't do that!


A longer post is in the works, but this whore known as school will keep me occupied to late tonight to finish it.

Okay, lesson #1. Kids know some really cool things, and you just have to be crazy enough to try them. I consider myself quite crazy, as an Arby's sidewalk and many other landmarks could attest. Thus, I did not just ignore my kids as would be the general American consensus when we were eating at a local Eatery and Tavern the other day for lunch. My 4 year old boy told me he really liked mustard. We happened to be eating chips and salsa at the time. He then decided that mustard on chips would be good. Most people would have stopped it right there. Taking a cue from Big Daddy I did not. I said, sure and I'll try one as well. Guess what, it tasted pretty darn good to me. A new appetizer is born.

Lesson #2. Open source is good. Embrace open source. Yes, I knew and believed this already. I am not a zealot, I just see a lot of good things come from open source. My flavor of the day was a site I found Friday. Several in fact. The appropriate links are here and here. Firefox is the bomb, I can't surf the web without it anymore. My main site should make that abundantly clear. It also happens to be open source. This means anybody can take the source, compile it, change it, patch it, etc. Due to this, there happens to be many people that build custom builds with either features added or patched, or optimized for speed and to take advantage of certain processors. I happened to use one from for quite some time, after somebody at work pointed it out to me. However, I wanted to upgrade to version 1.02, and moox didn't have it out yet. So, I started looking around. I found there were literally hundreds of sites like that, hence the two links at the top of the paragraph. I ended up settling on the stipe build, and have been quite happy with it. Very cool in my warped mind.

Play that funky music, white boy.


---ryan said...

Mustard on chips huh? I'll give it a go. Hey Ian, I think it's time to bust out the links to the crazy food site. Is that still up?

crturboguy said...

OMG...the crazy food site. Sadly, I think I have it linked from my main sitenation page. LOL
